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i originally started the practice of daily drawings in 2005:  ink drawings on paper; paper of random sizes.

 i returned to daily drawings in 2009, with the project starting off three-fold: photographs of anything in the studio, sumi ink drawings on multiple kozo scrolls and one watercolor a day, fixed paper size. the daily photographs became hit and miss. i changed my rules midstream to include  make-up daily drawings based on journal entries.  i started keeping a journal.

i’m continuing the practice of daily drawings in 2010, two-fold now. to start: walnut ink drawings on found paper, starting with a stack of old computer punch cards.  the second part: typed text on used tea bags, the kind you can stuff yourself.  the text reflects some thought(s) of the day. i don’t know what i’ll do with the thoughts or the teabags once i have a stack of them. probably start drawing on them. or tie a string around each month and see if they stand up.  i’ve started taking photographs again. not just of the studio this time.

in reviewing the daily drawings and texts from year to year, i’m surprised to notice how things keep cycling around. like the hawk that came and sat in our dogwood tree this year. last year, a similar hawk came just around the same time.

part of the 2010 project is on this blog:  minus the typed teabags and the occasional photographs. i suspect that feeling overwhelmed by technology’s keeping me out of the studio, so i’m tossing the idea of posting the full sequence of all my daily drawings.  random texts from the past two projects are part of the 2010 postings. in time i’ll put all the daily drawings on my website.

now, there’s no daily necessity. i’m just trying to see where this project ends up.

i’m noticing though, and occasionally remembering. which is what this project is about.

thanks for reading along and for sending your comments.


  1. I admire your committment to doing a daily drawing and believe the personal benefits will be powerful. It is so wonderful that the walnut ink is being used in such a way. Mandy

  2. I love your practice. Like Ruth, I would also like to see the collection of the daily tea bags. I bet there are some real gems in there. Keep at it sistah!

  3. I like your project. I do the same thing in plastic bags, every day at the same time, from 8 in the morning until 8 in the evening, at
    8-11-14-17-20 hrs. exactly that time whatever I’m doing I put something from the floor, what I’m eating, reading or whatever I do, I put it in a small plastic bag. close it and write some text on the bag, date and time and do this only for 1 month,or 1 trip outside at least an week, or as artist in residence the whole time I’m working there.
    In special exhibitions I have them day by day in strings in the windows.
    Or sometimes in the trees. It shows me the ritme in my life.
    nice to have an antipodean…… amsterdam.

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